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Trash removal    /    Vacuuming

Restroom cleaning    /    Dusting cleared desks and tables

Spot cleaning windows / Cleaning entryways    

Sweeping & mopping    /    Emptying recycling

 Vacuum elevators    /    Clean stairwells 

To ask for a quote, please call 1-585-678-9849.


Ceiling fans and accessible light fixtures cleaned (in place, not removed)

All woodwork, doorframes and switch-plates washed    /    Walls spot-cleaned

Clean the windows on the front and patio doors    /    Cobweb removal: corners, rafters, and ceilings

Windowsills, frames & blinds dusted    /    Vacuum all floors, stairs, edges and corners    /    Kitchen floor scrubbed

Hardwood floors    /    Bathrooms and kitchen floors scrubbed    /    Refrigerator cleaned inside & outside

Dishwasher & stove cleaned inside and out including drip-pans    /    Range hood cleaned inside and out

Cabinets, closets and pantries cleaned inside & out    /    Sinks cleaned & sanitized

Countertop and back-splash cleaned & sanitized    /    Mildew and soap scum cleaned    

Microwave cleaned inside and out    /    Windowsills and baseboards cleaned

Spotlessly clean and sanitize shower, tub, sink, counter, and toilet    /    Shower door and track cleaned

Tiles and chrome cleaned and left shining    /    Mirror, picture frames, and vanity tops cleaned

 All bathroom floors scrubbed    /    Trash removal 


To ask for a quote, please call 1-585-678-9849. 

Purification Diffusion

Diffuser: A device which sprays an ultra-fine mist of the essential oil of your choice into the air. The millions of misted particles sprayed from a diffuser are so fine they can hang in the air of your house literally for hours, spreading from room to room via the normal air circulation that occurs as you walk through your house.

When therapeutic essential oils are diffused in a home or office, they purify the air itself by removing toxins, metallic particles and other harmful microscopic debris. They also increase the atmospheric oxygen of the air, and boost levels of beneficial ozone and negative ions which, dramatically inhibit the growth and reproduction of airborne pathogens. Further, as the odorous molecules drift to the various surfaces of each room (i.e., ceilings, floors, walls, tiling etc.), they rapidly kill virtually all pathogenic bacteria, molds and fungi they come into contact with.  Lastly, they completely destroy odors from mold, cigarettes, household pets and more. 


To ask for a quote, please call 1-585-678-9849.